A research study, or clinical trial, is a study conducted by medical professionals to examine new methods of preventing, detecting, and treating a disease or illness.
Research studies add to medical knowledge and help determine whether a treatment is safe and effective.
We are very glad to hear about your interest in volunteering for more studies!
Please click the Clinical Trials page located in the navigation bar above or fill out the form below.
Medical requirements vary for each study.
Most studies require that the volunteer be at least 18 years of age.
Certain studies, like our asthma study, allow for participants under 18 with parental permission.
Clinical trials are part of clinical research and are at the heart of all medical advances. Research teams are looking for new ways to prevent, detect, or treat disease.
Range from new drugs and combinations to devices and even surgeries! The goal of a clinical trial is to determine the value and efficacy of a new treatment method.
They offer hope for those struggling with diseases or illnesses and most importantly provide an opportunity to improve the future of the medical industry.
Sometimes people change their minds after signing onto a study.
At In-Quest Medical Research, we understand and give our volunteers the freedom to leave at any time and for any reason.
You can talk to your study doctor about other treatment options.
Informed consent is the process of providing information necessary to your decision to participate in a research study.
Every volunteer receives an informed consent form that explains the study and information pertaining to its process.
Volunteer in a Clinical Trial
Be sure to read the form carefully and do not be afraid to ask any questions about the study before signing the form and agreeing to volunteer.