Rare Genetic Variants May Be Causing Your Obesity

Does obesity seem to run in your family? Have you struggled with your weight your entire life? Are you ready to finally do something about it? Chances are, you may have a rare genetic variant that could be causing your struggle with obesity. Daybreak is currently studying an investigational medication and whether it works for people with rare forms of obesity. If you want to discover whether you have these genetic variants and overcome obesity, this clinical trial may be perfect for you. Keep reading to learn more about the Obesity and Hunger Clinical Trial Study and how to sign up today.

Is Obesity Really Genetic?

Many genes play a role in how hungry we feel and the amount of energy we use. When there are variants in these genes, it could lead to obesity due to the insatiable hunger that the genetic variants cause. Polyphagia (hyperphagia) is the feeling of extreme, insatiable hunger. It’s a common sign of diabetes, but it can have other medical causes, such as hyperthyroidism and atypical depression.

Obesity is closely linked to genetics, and the chances of inheriting obesity can be up to 70%. However, this can be caused by many factors, including inherited lifestyle choices. However, if lifestyle choices have been changed, such as diet and exercise, and it is still difficult to lose weight, you may be struggling with a genetic variant issue.

Break Free from Genetic Obesity

If obesity runs in your family and you want to break the cycle and finally break away from your obesity struggle, we can help you. The DAYBREAK Study looks at how safe an investigational medication is and whether it works for people with rare forms of obesity. This study will examine whether an investigational medication can restore the body’s ability to control weight in people with certain genetic variants and obesity.

What Is Involved in the Obesity and Hunger Clinical Trial Study?

The investigational medication studied in this clinical study comprises the latest technology and research surrounding genetic obesity, and only our participants will have exclusive access.

If you want to become a participant in the study, you will only have to perform three simple steps:

  1. Sign up! If you are between the ages of 6 and 65, click here to fill out our form to let us know you want to participate. We will then contact you for the pre-qualification and screening call.
  2. Meet us! Come in to meet with us for a complimentary medical exam to finish qualifying you for the study. You will not be asked for any medical insurance information; everything is paid for by the study.
  3. Come to study appointments! If you are chosen to become a participant, you will be asked to return to our clinic for a series of study appointments.

For more information on our clinic or to learn more about clinical studies, visit us at InQuestMed.com!

By Published On: May 22, 2024Categories: ArticlesTags: , ,

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